The Predator: 14 Easter Eggs & References Explained

7. The Predator Name Is Inaccurate

Olivia Munn The Predator

People have been saying for literally decades that the term "predator" is actually an incorrect for the alien creature featured in these movies, because it hunts for sport rather than necessity.

This is finally confronted in the new film, where Casey states that it's more aptly a "sports hunter", before government hard-a** Traeger (Sterling K. Brown) retorts that "Predator" just sounds way cooler. He ain't wrong.

This effectively becomes a mild running gag later in the film as Nebraska (Trevante Williams) also points out the discrepancy, much to Casey's smug vindication.

So now we've got that out of our systems, we can get back to calling them Predators, right? Because their official species name, the "Yautja", sure doesn't roll off the tongue.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.