The Predator: 18 WTF Moments

10. Everything About The Hell Hounds

The Predator Predator Dogs
20th Century Fox

When the Hell Hounds were revealed ahead of the film's release, there was some hope that we'd be getting an improvement on the versions added in Predators. The designs were changed (for the better) and the promise was that they would help the Ultimate Predator get on with its mission.

But then the reality was pretty awful. In a film whose effects and action sequences are otherwise pretty good, the dogs look like their on a par with the demon dogs from Ghostbusters. That's how poor they've been integrated.

And they serve no purpose. We get one set piece with them (more of which soon) and then one of them ends up being lobotomised into being friendly and helping the humans by being shot in the head. (This script does not stand up when you go back over its key points.) And just when you think that's leading somewhere in the finale, it doesn't happen and you're left wondering why they bothered spunking all that money on bad effects for no story value.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.