The Predator: 18 WTF Moments

11. "Don't Say 'Retarded'

The Predator Team

Considering the film clearly thinks it's quite progressive when it comes to dealing with autism (imagining it to be what sets Rory apart from the other humans as a strong target for the Predator), its hot takes on mental illness are grotesque.

The veterans team are all made into diluted monsters and oddities because of their underlying conditions (mostly PTSD-related), while Nebraska is mocked for his unsuccessful suicide attempt. And worse, it doesn't appear to be accidental - it's like they're all being played for laughs.

Take for example the moment when Nettles admonishes someone for referring to a team-mate as "retarded" in front of McKenna because he has a "retarded" son. That's a bit much for a joke even when it's supposed to be lampooning the joker.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.