The Predator: 7 Biggest Overlooked Positives

2. It Willingly Embraces Its Inner B-Movie

Ultimate Predator

When they can actually be discerned amidst all the ADHD editing and dim lighting set-ups, the shootouts in The Predator have an enjoyably over-the-top charm, ideal for Friday night viewing. For example, consider the absolutely insane moment wherein the Loonies surf the roof of an alien spaceship, in order to unload a barrage of ammunition into the engines.

As a set-piece, it’s patently ridiculous and very, very silly, but at least it’s not bland or dull like some contemporary Blockbusters (Ant-Man and the Wasp, The Meg)

Instead it’s just endearingly stupid, in a giddy, juvenile kind of way. This anything-goes craziness permeates the entire movie, like the filmmakers were getting carried away with excitement every single time that they turned on their cameras. The result is a manic energy that is extremely infectious and makes for a nice change of pace after a year of largely dour and morose blockbusters (i.e. Black Panther, Infinity War, Solo and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom).

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The Predator
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Perpetually cynical and prone to excessive rants. Talents include proficient nitpicking, condescending to people and also typing.