The Predator: 7 Biggest Overlooked Positives

3. There Are Funny Moments Scattered Throughout

Ultimate Predator
20th Century Fox

We are now reaching the stage where the list entries come accompanied with heavy caveats, because whilst the jokes in The Predator are not all bad, some of them are frankly inexcusable. As many have already pointed out, the scattershot nature of the comedy results in jarring tonal shifts and some egregious misfires, like that cutesy predi-dog thing. Meanwhile, the over-reliance on broad humour does sabotage the slasher-horror element of the story and generally damages the credibility of the rest of the film.

That being said, a decent amount of the gags do still land, mainly the understated ones. As previously mentioned, Sterling K. Brown gets to sink his teeth into some sharp one-liners and a couple of the deaths have a sadistic, gallows humour to them that's quite effective. Take Traeger’s death for example. Although the presentation of his accidental suicide was somewhat botched by the dizzying editing, it still remains a very funny and surprising moment.

Elsewhere, the propensity for ‘’Yo Mama’’ Jokes has come under a lot of flak, with the automatic assumption being that any witticism of this kind is fundamentally artless and dumb. Honestly though, the one about circumcising a homeless man was genuinely inventive and even Shakespeare indulged in these crass innuendos from time-to-time, so you can't be too harsh on it.

In short, the comedy aspect of The Predator is a mixed bag. What that means however, is that there are many overlooked hits to accompany the overly-scrutinised misses.

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The Predator
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Perpetually cynical and prone to excessive rants. Talents include proficient nitpicking, condescending to people and also typing.