The Predator: 8 Ridiculous Plot Holes That Make No Sense

2. How Did Casey Teleport To The Final Battle?

The Predator Olivia Munn

It's made crystal clear that Casey watches the Predator ship take off and fly far away from her, so how, then, is she able to catch up to it for the final showdown between Quinn and the Ultimate Predator just three minutes later?

That's three minutes of the Predator ship flying away from her, by which point it was most likely at least a few miles away, yet she was apparently able to scale the forest terrain and catch up in a literally impossible amount of time.

Again, this is likely a consequence of the film's ramshackle re-shoots and the generally slung-together nature of the third act, where Black is just desperately hoping you're not paying attention to basic things like this.

If you really want to convince yourself this scene makes sense, just pretend that when Nebraska (Trevante Rhodes) hurls himself into the ship's engine, it causes the ship to pull a 180 or something.

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The Predator
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.