The Predator: 8 Ridiculous Plot Holes That Make No Sense

3. Why Didn't Gunfire Trigger Rory's Asperger's?

The Predator Olivia Munn Jacob Tremblay

At the very beginning of the movie, we learn that Rory is suffering from Asperger syndrome, and when two kids pull a fire alarm, the loud noise makes Rory extremely uncomfortable to the point that he starts stimming.

Bizarre it is, then, that Rory seems relatively comfortable for the remainder of the movie, even with the abundance of explosions and gunfire in his proximity in the third act.

It basically feels like Shane Black wanted to quickly establish Rory's condition early on in the film and then pretty much forget about it until it became useful near the end of the film.

Considering how he reacted to the fire alarm, Rory probably should've been curled up in a ball for most of the movie's final half-hour. But given the movie's roughshod approach to mental illness in general, the lack of authenticity here shouldn't be remotely shocking.

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The Predator
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.