The Predator: Ranking All Of The Alternate Endings

4. The Newt Ending

The Predator Ripley

One of the other endings revealed on Yuri Everson's Instagram was very similar to the Ripley ending but instead featured a different, and arguably much more deserving character from the Alien franchise, being humanity's savior.

That character was none other than Newt. First introduced in James Cameron's Aliens all the way back in 1986, Newt was a young girl who managed to survive on her own amongst the xenomorph horde on LV-426. Ripley took her under her wing and became something of a surrogate mother to her. Newt quickly became a fan-favorite character from the film, only to then be inexplicably killed off-screen before the next Alien film even began.

Fans have long clamored for a film to give us a retconned story for Newt, one which allowed her to mature into an adult and become the protagonist in her own right. So much so that that was one of the central cruxes of Neil Blomkamp's Alien 5 script before the film was canceled.

Having Newt inside of the pod is more interesting in a couple of ways. First off, it means it has to be time-travel seeing as Newt isn't her family name, it's just hers. Secondly, seeing as Newt was a child the last time we saw her, they could have gotten any actress to play the role in a sequel, so this could have actually led to something interesting. And last but certainly not least, Newt just deserves a second chance and this would have been an incredibly enticing cliffhanger to leave us on.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.