The Single Biggest Mistake Each Fast & Furious Film Has Made

7. Fast & Furious - The Fatally Misjudged Tone 

Thor: Love and Thunder
Universal Pictures

Fast & Furious being the lowest-rated instalment on Rotten Tomatoes is fitting, since it's easily the worst film in the series to date. It's just as imaginative and exiting as its title - i.e. not at all imaginative or exciting.

The mediocre action, bland villains and underwhelming story were huge issues, but the thing that really killed this movie is that it takes itself far too seriously.

Rather than leaning into the absurdity of the whole thing and being any actual fun, it's instead an overly po-faced, glum and dull mystery story, in which Dom tries to find out who 'killed' Letty.

Thanks to these tonal issues, as well as the generally weak script, it's a very dull sit indeed. Another huge mistake was giving Vin Diesel an emotional storyline, since the guy simply cannot handle such material and he turns in his worst performance of the franchise.

Thanks to these tonal issues, this one is easily the creative low-point of the series. Still, looking on the bright side, most of the subsequent films have nailed exactly the right tone, so that's something.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.