The Single Biggest Mistake Each MCU Film And TV Show Has Made
18. Spider-Man: Far From Home - The Marvel Humour Problem
One of the many huge problems in recent MCU films has been what you could call the Marvel Humour Problem; there are too many jokes and this sucks any tension and dramatic weight out of proceedings, and to add insult to injury much of this comedy isn't even funny.
Spider-Man: Far from Home, the middling and heavily over-praised final film of Phase 3, very much suffered from this problem. In its opening scenes, it treats Thanos' Snap as a joke instead of as the most traumatic event in the history of this fictional universe (this flippant treatment of the Blip has continued in subsequent films and TV shows too), and that very much sets the tone for the whole film.
Thanks to the excessively jokey atmosphere, Far From Home never, ever feels like any character is in the slightest bit of danger, and a lot of the comedy - namely, the cringey antics involving Peter Parker's love rival for MJ and him nearly killing his classmates with one of Tony Stark's drones - is annoying instead of funny.