The Single Biggest Mistake Each MCU Film Has Made

15. Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Final Battle

Marvel Studios

The Movie:

In a franchise not exactly known for risk-taking, this team-up of some obscure and bizarre superheroes was a major gamble but thanks to the cracking humor, brilliant cast, stunning visuals and surprising doses of pathos, this was such a hit that a large number of the MCU films since have copied its witty, music-heavy and quirky vibe.

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of those mostly great movies that unfortunately loses it by the end. Most of the film is hilarious, heartfelt, inventive and dynamic, but at the very end it all dissolves into another over-the-top final battle that completely lacks all the charm and humor of the rest of the movie.

The finale isn't as suspenseful as it could've been either, since the film is also burdened with a terrible villain that adds nothing to the film whatsoever. GOTG was a very risky film for Marvel that actually did something we hadn't really seen before, so it's a huge shame that the film went into full-on cliche mode at the very end with this dull finale. Only Groot's sacrifice echoes the level the film was previously riding at.


Be more creative in the same way that the rest of the film was so inventive. We've seen big spaceship battles hundreds of times before.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.