The Single Biggest Mistake Each Star Trek Movie Has Made
3. Star Trek - My Name Is James Tiberius Kirk
The Mistake: Young James TIBERIUS Kirk rides his uncle's car off a cliff, then announces his full name to a robocop and a cringing audience.
Why?: Jimmy Bennett is a very nice young man who is doing his best.
Having said that.
The scene was a massive lapse in judgement. While the reboot film was definitely playing for the Mission Impossible crowd, the character that everyone is supposed to root for is introduced as a punk kid intent on destroying this antique. The scene is a step below fun, leaning a little closer to cringe. The Beastie Boys would eventually serve as a nice set-up for Beyond, yet apart from that, it feels like the film is trying too hard to be 'cool'.
James TIBERIUS Kirk skids the car off the cliff and performs an incredible feat of acrobatics, leaping from the falling vehicle and grabbing the rockface to prevent himself from falling to his death. Then, in a deliverance that leads the audience to believe James TIBERIUS Kirk is Trek speak for Go F*ck Yourself, he gives his full name to the officer.
It is uncomfortable on the side of embarrassing to watch, while in the very next scene the depiction of young Spock is next to perfect.