The Single Biggest Mistake Each Star Wars Movie Has Made

8. Solo - Being The Safest Film Imaginable

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith
Lucasfilm Ltd.

Forget the Prequels. They've got awesome action scenes, brilliant world-building and each of them have great things within them; they're not that great, but they're certainly not flat-out bad either.

No, Solo is the worst live-action Star Wars film. Why? Because it represents the worst kind of Hollywood film-making. It's a safe, risk-free, assembly-line movie which does nothing brave, interesting or remotely unexpected. There are no hysterical jokes, no truly emotional character moments, no heart-pumping action scenes and, for the most part, not a single memorable moment. The only scene you'll remember is the surprise return of Darth Maul.

There are many other flaws too, such as Ron Howard's flat direction, Emilia Clarke's embarrassing performance, many talented actors being wasted and the by-the-numbers plot, but the complete lack of surprises (especially after Rogue One) was what really killed it.

In fairness to Solo, there are OK things (especially most of the performances) in it and it's not even completely terrible; rather, it's just painfully generic and somehow that feels even more insulting. It's the unthinkable: a forgettable Star Wars film.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.