The Spectacular Spider-Man: 11 Biggest Mistakes It Needs To Avoid

2. Miles Morales

Miles Morales first took up the Spider-Man mantle in 2011 after the death of Peter Parker in Ultimate Fallout, a black hispanic young man whose portrayal was reportedly based on both Barack Obama and actor Donald Glover. The character has been extremely well-received for the most part, and as such when the new Spider-Man reboot was announced, many lobbied Marvel and Sony to consider replacing Peter Parker with a bold new take on the character in Miles. While a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie would be great to see some time down the line, it's just too daring for the Spider-Man movie that needs to be made right now. Given how the property is in something of a weak position after ASM2, this isn't really the time to change Spider-Man's race and risk alienating a portion of the audience due to racism or pickiness: it's absolutely best to stick to Peter for now, establish a firm base, and then possibly introduce Miles five-ish years down the line when the actor playing Spidey might want out anyway. It might be cynical to assume that audiences wouldn't respond to a black Spider-Man, but when hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake, it seems silly to take the risk right now. Marvel have indicated that Miles probably won't be in the movie anyway, but anything can happen...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.