The Suicide Squad Cast Reveal - Predicting EVERY Character

21. Nathan Fillion - Catman

Catman Batman
DC Comics

For a while, it seemed as though Nathan Fillion was forever destined to be the bridesmaid and never the bride. Constantly optioned for every fan-favourite character under the sun - from Uncharted's Nathan Drake to DC's Green Lantern - Fillion is an incredibly charming actor who possesses great range, so it's great to see all those years of fan chatter result in a comic book casting for the former Firefly star.

Fillion himself has gone on record saying that he'd love to play Booster Gold in a comic book movie at some point, and while that would admittedly be a great casting, the character doesn't really fit into a Suicide Squad story. Fillion could also probably work wonders as Hawkman, a figure who has actually crossed paths with Task Force X, but for this one we're going to take inspiration from DC's other band of misfits - the Secret Six.

Those familiar with Gail Simone's Secret Six will know that Catman had a key role in that comic, and that - perhaps unexpectedly - he's a bit of a badass.

Once considered a Batman villain reject, Catman has since gone on to cement himself as a complex and dare I say badass figure who could match wits with the very worst DC could throw at the Squad. Fillion is also the perfect age to take the character on, with Catman having mounted a comeback after having largely been forgotten during the Silver Age.



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