The Terminator: 10 Biggest Plot Holes

2. Why Does Skynet Only Send Back One Terminator At A Time - And To Later Periods In Time Losing The Element Of Surprise?

The plot for the first Terminator movie is perhaps the most logical of them all - that said, it's far easier to avoid tripping yourself up narrative-wise when you're establishing a universe rather than building upon one. So, when Skynet sends a Terminator back to kill Sarah Connor before she can give birth to the leader of the resistance everything kind of makes sense. Things start to fall apart in the sequel onwards when Skynet, having failed to achieve their objectives the first time around decide to send more Terminators back at a later date - when Sarah Connor is fully aware of the danger she's in. Why not send another Terminator back to the early '80s to try again while she's still obliviously waitressing? Or why not even further back to when she was a child? And why only send one at a time? Why not send back an army of Terminators to make sure the job is done properly?

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