The Way Back Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs

3. Gavin O'Connor's Soft, Purposeful Directing

The Way Back Ben Affleck
Warner Bros.

While Ben Affleck is certainly the shining star of The Way Back, it's director Gavin O'Connor who illustrates once again his distinct ability to provide a sense of maturity and vision behind the camera. Continuing his streak from the likes of Miracle and Warrior, The Way Back reiterates O'Connor's ability to combine emotional heft and sports.

O'Connor's influence is evident throughout and is the key component that elevates the film beyond sports drama and into character study territory. His use of visual storytelling in lieu of dialogue leads to several mostly-silent scenes that work to great effect. The soft, purposeful directing style he employs for the film establishes a sense of intimacy and realism like you're peering into someone's actual life versus watching scripted drama.

Like the movie as a whole, his directing is restrained, but never lacking in focus. Every scene progresses with purpose and intention, and he provides a comfortable sense of pacing throughout the runtime. Alongside Affleck, they both work together to immerse you in this setting, once again illustrate just how effective a pairing they are. Here's hoping their next collaboration arrives sooner rather than later.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.