The Way Back Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs

2. Important Themes (That Go Beyond What You Expect)

The Way Back Ben Affleck
Warner Bros.

When watching the trailers and marketing for the film, most likely assumed this was a movie entirely centralized around Ben Affleck's character Jack being an alcoholic and how bad things happen because of it. And although Jack's struggle with alcoholism is an important aspect, the movie's lessons and message go beyond that.

This is a movie about the dangers of repressing deep-seated emotions, shutting people out, and how unhealthy coping mechanisms can often make things worse. His use of alcohol to shut out those sharp, often intense, negative emotions is certainly a catalyst for many of the film's heavier moments, but it's never 'just' another movie about alcoholism.

Thankfully, The Way Back always treats the viewer like an adult and never oversimplifies or over-dramatizes the issue. It's simply used as both a flaw of the character and a representation of what harmful habits can be formed in response to traumatic experiences. Life isn't black-and-white, giving up your addictions doesn't automatically undo your past actions or repair your life, but that doesn't make it any less significant.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.