The Week Of Review: 1 Up & 8 Downs

2. The Ridiculous Product Placement

The Week Of Steve Buscemi Toblerone

If you've ever seen one of Sandler's movies in your life, you'll probably be aware that the man will shamelessly shill for any food or beverage company willing to be associated with him.

The Week Of sees Sandler up to his usual tricks, then, with Snapple and Coca Coca certainly getting their money's worth above all else. There's even a party sequence where seemingly every single person is drinking a can of Diet Coke, with the logos hilariously faced towards the camera, of course.

That's not to ignore Steve Buscemi carrying around a giant Toblerone box for a decent chunk of the movie, which while at least vaguely amusing, is also clearly an obnoxious paid placement. When you're already being funded by Netflix, it seems pretty greedy to also grab that brand endorsement cash, no?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.