The Wolverine: 10 Ways It Shreds X-Men Origins To Pieces

5. Humour

The Wolverine Origins was sullied by its inherent goofiness, mining humour from cheesy scenes such as Logan tearing a bathroom to pieces with his poorly-rendered CGI claws, and Sabertooth glancing at them before uttering the line, "Ooh, shiny!", while failing to give Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool the witty quips that he could have had a field day with. The Wolverine, meanwhile, tones down the laughs in favour of a more serious take on the character, though still takes a little time out here and there to indulge him in some unexpectedly weird, offbeat laughs. The most awkwardly funny scene occurs when Wolverine and Mariko Yashida decide to lie low from her assassins, hiding in a Tokyo "love hotel" designed for couples, which makes for an amusingly queasy exchange between the two, even if we know where it is inevitably going. Some critics have complained that the movie is weighed too heavily in favour of its serious tones, though I suspect those critics must have been sleeping through the carefully-peppered morsels of comedy throughout. It's not as light as Iron Man, but it's hardly a Christopher Nolan-esque dirge now, is it?

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]