The Wolverine: 10 Ways It Shreds X-Men Origins To Pieces

4. Violence

The Wolverine Even though The Wolverine is subject to the same PG-13 rating as Origins, it just feels more impactful, whereas Origins was a harmless, largely consequence-free affair as far as the action went. Even when "Deadpool" is decapitated at the end of Origins, it has no impact whatsoever, largely because most were so thoroughly enraged at how a) the character didn't resemble Deadpool in the slightest and b) Wolverine was slicing the Merc's head off in the first place. Granted, making a movie about a man with bladed hands who stabs people to death doesn't lend itself extremely well to the PG-13 rating, but we're never going to get the R-rated Wolverine Darren Aronofsky was trying to put together, so Mangold's effort, which ramps up the blunt sound effects and general intensity, reaches a fair middle ground that's far more appealing than Origins.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]