1. Yashida Being In The Silver Samurai Suit Made No Sense
The lamest and most disappointing reveal of all, though, is that when the Silver Samurai begins attacking Wolverine, we find out that Yashida has been piloting it all along. It's a stupid twist because we saw Yashida "die" from his illness earlier in the film, and so it just seems like a lazy attempt to pull the wool over our eyes and deliver a knockout twist. Instead, it's just stupid, and will invalidate much of the film's otherwise rock-solid first act. Why go to such pains to pretend that he's dead? Or were his cronies just rushing him to the Silver Samurai suit? It just doesn't make a lot of sense. Plus, it's kinda hard to take the romantic angle seriously when Logan has just murdered both Mariko's father and grandfather. Sure, they were complete jackasses who totally deserved, it, but still, family's family... However, it's not all bad (obviously). Let's look at 5 ways The Wolverine delivered on its promises...