The Wolverine: 5 Things We Learned From Awesome New Trailer

5. Hiroshima Explosion

The Wolverine It is easy to assume that one of the film's opening scenes might well be Wolverine's rescue of Japanese soldier Shingen Yashida during World War 2. The surroundings are rocked by a massive explosion, causing Wolverine to rush Yashida into a hole, and Wolverine then forcing shut a cover of some sort to keep him protected. This sets forth in motion the film's chain of events, whereby a dying Yashida invites Logan to Japan under the pretense of wanting to help him, when in fact, he just wants to steal his powers all for himself, and seemingly succeeds, also. It is also easy to speculate as to what relevance this explosion might have - after all, doesn't the location and setting totally coincidence with America's war-time bombing of the US? Might it just be that Yashida is in fact in Hiroshima when the bomb drops? It would certainly add a layer of resonance to what already seems to be a thrilling scene.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]