3. Viper Is A Fearsome, Sexy Foe

In the comics, Viper's most famous interaction with Wolverine was in blackmailing him to marry her, and though perhaps not quite as outlandish, this film's depiction of the seductive, reptilian femme appears to follow in the same vein. We can briefly see her using her sexy charms to distract and disorientate Wolverine, at which point she uses her powers to seemingly diminish his ability to heal. Above all else, this just might be a star-maker for actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, who has previously appeared in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, though seems to have a much meatier, more important role here. The trailer does a fine job of filling us in on her various abilities; we've already seen that she can shed her skin like a snake, but we see in greater detail her long, slimy tongue and sharp nails. Styling herself as "a chemist, a capitalist and a viper," this is clearly one badass who is going to give Logan plenty of trouble.