Thor 3: 10 Things We Expect To See

8. Another Infinity Stone

As with Thor: The Dark World, the next Thor movie is likely to involve several of the nine realms. With that in mind, it seems more likely than the Earth-based films to introduce another Infinity Stone. We've had the Tesseract and the Aether confirmed so far (seemingly the Space and Power Stones respectively), while Guardians of the Galaxy looks to be introducing an orb-shaped stone and there has been a hint that Loki's staff contained another - that leaves either two or three still to be discovered, depending on what you believe, and the next Thor movie certainly seems like the most likely place to find one. It seems like the ideal movie for Thanos to appear and complete his Infinity Gauntlet in preparation for his assault on the universe in Avengers 3 - even if it's just a cameo from the Mad Titan - and, as such, a new Infinity Stone seems like a shoe-in for inclusion.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.