Thor: The Dark World - 10 Most D*ckish Things Thor Has Done So Far

Thor Dark World2

Even in the original Norse mythology, Thor was a bit of a d*ck. That might sound like a sweeping generalisation, but the guy's got form. Like the time he dressed up as a bride, ate an entire wedding feast and then killed all the guests, just because someone had stolen his hammer. Or the fact that he liked to regularly eat the goats that drew his chariot and just regenerate them overnight. Setting aside the fact that he's the god of thunder but can only afford a goat-powered ride, is that any way to treat the animals that get you around the place?

Goat-ride aside, Marvel have managed to stay true to the old Norse ethos and crafted a character who manages to be a total and utter d*ck even when he's trying to be nice. Here, in celebration of the upcoming Thor: The Dark World, I've collected the 10 most d*ckish things Thor has done so far, in the sure knowledge that we'll doubtless have plenty more d*ck moments to enjoy when the new film comes out.

Beware, a SPOILER WARNING is in effect.

10. His Unbelievably Obnoxious Behaviour As A Child


At the beginning of Thor, we see a young Thor and a young Loki (where did they find that creepy kid?) getting a history lesson from dad Odin. Halfway through the scene, the blonde, little snot-nosed version of Thor drawls: 'When I'm King, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!' Judging from long-suffering look on little Loki's face, this sort of comment is the usual fare from Thor.

As a second child myself, I can understand how annoying it is to be talked down to, but Loki has it way worse €“ every time he's trying to learn history or just have some quality bonding time with dad, Thor has to open his big mouth with the most obnoxious comment ever, reminding Loki that one day he'll have to kneel before Thor. And remember, these guys are immortals €“ who knows how long it takes for them to grow up? Loki might have had to listen to this crap for centuries. No wonder he decides to ruin Thor's big crowning ceremony day.


A recent Film & English graduate living in London. Loves making films, cupcakes and taking long walks on the beach. Also, not a bad writer... Follow me on twitter: @KatieBlagden