Thor: The Dark World - 10 Reasons It's The Cinematic Game Of Thrones

8. Fond Of That Character? Sorry...

Game9 George RR Martin seems like a pretty nice guy; but beware. Profess a fondness for one of his characters and he'll repay you by offing them in the most brutal, tragic way he can think of. The pen is mightier than the sword. That probably explains why George RR Martin keeps using his pen to write a sword that then cuts off the good guys' heads. Alan Taylor; visual purveyor of Martin's works, akin to that impressionable young kid at school who wants to be like the naughty boys, seems to have adopted this trait and unleashed it upon the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some people have an odd way of displaying gratitude, huh? So less than half way into Thor: The Dark World, after fully fleshing out a secondary character who was disappointingly underused in the first film and showing what a likeable, strong-willed badass she is, Taylor has her shanked through the chest then swiftly buried. The filmmakers made damn well sure the audience got to like Frigga before mercilessly gutting her. Sound familiar? A similar fate is given to Tom Hiddleston's Loki, a recurring Marvel Cinematic Universe character who almost rivals Tony Stark in how beloved by fans he is. Were it not for the frankly blindsiding revelation in The Dark World's closing moments, this 'death' would have been one befitting a Thrones' character. Popular? Yes. Recently redeemed? Yes. So much more left to offer? Yes. Bang. Dead.

26 year old novelist and film nerd from London. Currently working on his third novel and dreaming up more list-based film articles to flood WhatCulture with.