Thor: The Dark World - 10 Reasons It's The Cinematic Game Of Thrones

7. Villain Redemption

Loki1 Theon Greyjoy, Jaime Lannister, Loki Lauffeysson. What do they all have in common? They're all some-time antagonists that have had the audience alternate between rooting for them and wishing they'd have their heads lopped off. Loki may not have lost any appendages or partaken in an incestuous affair with a sibling (although that would certainly make Thor 3 an interesting entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe), but his journey to redemption in The Dark World has its precedence in Game of Thrones. In Thrones, no character beyond King Joffrey and the Starks enjoy the simple pleasure of being a black-and-white hero or villain, and while he was an all-out bad guy in his first two screen outings, by now he is just as multidimensional as Westeros' finest. Remember how much you hated Jaime in season one? Loki has evolved from cackling, moustache-twirling (if only he had a moustache) villain of Thor and Avengers Assemble to the secondary protagonist by the time Thor: The Dark World reaches its final act. But, as anyone who watched to the end will agree, I'm sure they'll soon rectify that...

26 year old novelist and film nerd from London. Currently working on his third novel and dreaming up more list-based film articles to flood WhatCulture with.