Thor: The Dark World - 6 Hidden Influences From Game Of Thrones

5. The Watch

Heimdall1 Heimdall has one job; to post up on the rainbow reminiscent bridge of Asgard and overlook the city. He€™s a glorified security guard for Asgard with the ability to operate a mechanism that activates some serious self-defense systems for the fantasy world. And outside of getting a teensy bit more screen time this around- most notably a sequence where he single handedly destroys an invisible enemy spaceship- he€™s also on the receiving end of a €œdivert your attention elsewhere for 5 seconds and you€™ll miss it€ reference to the Night€™s Watch in Game of Thrones. If you€™re once again unfamiliar with Game of Thrones, The Night€™s Watch is essentially a group of outcast soldiers with their only purpose in life being to guard Westeroa from enemy invasions. If I had a pen and paper with me in the cinema, I would have written down what Thor exactly says to Heimdall, but unfortunately I didn€™t and no longer remember the quip word for word. It€™s a scene fairly early on in the film however, before Asgard is attacked by Dark Elves, and in it Thor asks Heimdall how his €œwatch€ is going, which is clearly a brilliantly hidden nod to The Night€™s Watch.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.