Thor: The Dark World - 6 Hidden Influences From Game Of Thrones

4. Nudity€ Sort Of

Stellan Skarsgard Thor If you have ever seen just one episode of Game of Thrones you would be in the loop of just how graphically violent the show can be, but also that there€™s regularly an abundant amount of nudity. Whether it€™s showing off breasts, asses, or penises, Game of Thrones has never shied away from gratuitously revealing the human body in all of its glory. It doesn€™t matter if someone is casually changing their garments or getting railed in a dirty position, you€™re bound to see some private parts in every episode. And on the off chance you don€™t, they€™re probably making up for it with double the amount of gore and dismemberment. Alan Taylor has taken his possible affection with nudity to a Marvel film now as Doctor Erik Selvig begins the story in a very disoriented state of mind, running around Stonehenge naked aimlessly with his physics equipment. Obviously this isn€™t shown completely as the film is marketed PG-13. To compensate, a pixelated censorship approach is taken to the hilarity with the scene being reenacted as if it were being watched on a news broadcast. Even in superhero movies the minds behind Game of Thrones can€™t resist giving us a dosage of nudity! Someone tell Alan Taylor he wasn€™t making this movie for HBO and that the production wasn€™t required to meet a nudity quota!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.