Thor: Love & Thunder: 10 Questions It Leaves Unanswered

5. Why Didn't Thanos Just Seek Out Eternity?

Thor Love and Thunder Gorr

Many comic book fans were pleased to see the introduction of Eternity, the cosmic entity which will grant a single wish to whoever is able to open a portal and reach it first.

Gorr's quest throughout the movie is to find Eternity and ask it to destroy all the gods, but he ultimately settles for bringing his dead daughter, Love (India Hemsworth), back to life.

The point here is that Eternity can seemingly grant wishes of basically unlimited power and scope, and so, why didn't Thanos (Josh Brolin) try tracking it down to erase half of all life in the universe?

It sure sounds like it would've been less hassle than his big, long Easter egg hunt for the Infinity Stones.

The most obvious rebuttal is that Thanos just didn't believe that Eternity was real, and rather than waste time on a potential dead-end, he chased something he knew was real in order to accomplish his goal.

Additionally we don't know exactly how long Gorr spent seeking out Eternity in total, either.

Ultimately it's another "this is a movie" answer, because if you start asking why Thanos didn't investigate it, you have to consider why Thor also didn't after Thanos snapped his fingers.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.