Thor: Love & Thunder: 10 Questions It Leaves Unanswered

3. Will Hercules Be The Villain Of Thor 5?

Thor Love and Thunder Gorr
Apple TV+

The movie's big mid-credits surprise sees Zeus vowing revenge on Thor for attacking him, at which point he instructs his son, Hercules (Brett Goldstein), to track down and kill Thor.

It's a tantalising tease for sure, but is it actually setting Hercules up to be the primary antagonist of Thor 5 or not?

Admittedly Thor 5 itself isn't officially confirmed, though it certainly seems like the Asgardian's stories are set to continue. Yet considering how many MCU credits scenes have teased things that never quite panned out, it's entirely possible this was nothing more than a fun wink-wink cameo.

Then again, Goldstein is a rising star courtesy of his recent Best Supporting Actor Emmy win for Ted Lasso, so it'd certainly be a shame to waste him on a nothing cameo.

It's also possible Hercules might simply get the Crossbones (Frank Grillo) treatment and be disposed of in Thor 5's opening sequence before the rest of the movie has Thor facing off against somebody else entirely.

This could go either way, basically. Don't immediately assume that Thor 5 will be Thor vs. Hercules, but it's also definitely a possibility.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.