Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Best Moments

4. Bruce Freaks Out On Sakaar

Thor Ragnarok Bruce Banner
Marvel Studios

After Thor and The Hulk do battle in Grandmaster's arena, they have a brief heart-to-heart backstage, where they come to emotional blows before finally making nice with one another.

Eventually, Thor comes to asking how Hulk arrived in Sakaar, and he explains that the Quinjet brought him there, before showing Thor that its crashed-out remains are nearby.

Thor investigates the Quinjet before Hulk stumbles his way in and tears most of its remains apart, but after using his big green palm-print to unlock the ship, is greeted with a clip of Black Widow asking him to turn the jet's stealth feature off.

This triggers The Hulk into finally turning back into Bruce Banner for the first time in two years, after which he has a major freakout, struggling to take in the overwhelming enormity of residing off-Earth, not to mention "being locked in the backseat" for the last two years, as he puts it.

Mark Ruffalo plays the whole sequence superbly, melding comical eccentricity with some genuinely believable traumatised ticks that someone might suffer after being mentally checked out for several years before waking up on a strange planet.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.