Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Best Moments
3. Valkyrie's Flashback
When Valkyrie and Loki have a confrontation, he manages to grab hold of her and peer into her most traumatic memory, her previous fight against Hela.
Cue a brief but eye-wateringly beautiful slow-motion sequence in which Valkyrie and others of her fleet ride into battle on an army of Pegasus, before Hela quickly eliminates them with a tremendous show of force.
Valkyrie falls from her steed and careens to the ground, but is accidentally spared by Hela and left surrounded by a pile of her comrades' corpses. Grim.
It's a shame this wasn't a full-on set-piece considering how it was better-looking than any other action in the movie, but it was a tantalising glimpse all the same.