Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Questions None Of The Trailers Have Answered

8. How Does The Hulk End Up On Sakaar?

Thor Ragnarok Bruce Banner
Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok has some massive blanks to fill in regarding the fate of The Hulk, because the character hasn't been sighted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since he commandeered that Quinjet at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The next time the fans got to see him, he was charging at Thor in a Sakaar arena in the Ragnarok trailer and putting his workmate through a wall.

All of the official footage released so far yields no clues about how the Green Goliath ended up in deep space, but Ragnarok production designer Dan Hennah has shed light on this very subject, and the answer is wormholes, which are always a convenient way to cross the universe in sci-fi movies.

CinemaBlend quotes him as saying...

"Sakaar's populated by aliens and the, the sky in Sakaar has a number of worm holes that deposit space waste, basically, and if you're flying though space, you can get caught in a wormhole and you can end up... Well, he hit one of these wormholes and he ended up here and he became The Grandmaster's special toy, you know. He's the lead punch-up guy."

While that seems to clear up how Bruce Banner ended up on a far-off alien world, there are still a number of unanswered questions about Hulk's presence on Sakaar, like how did The Grandmaster's minions manage to subdue one of the most volatile and powerful beings in the MCU?


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