Thor: Ragnarok - 12 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

2. ...And So Will Thor

Because every new Marvel movie comes with speculation over who is going to die, some rumour-spinners have suggested that Thor won't make it out of his own movie. The stakes will be so high and the threat so wildly massive (thanks to the triple threat of Thanos, Loki and Surtur) that Thor will fall, and will eventually be cloned back to life (because Tony Stark hasn't played God enough) for the culmination of Infinity War. It's certainly a nice idea, as the stakes do need to be raised for Phase 3, but Thor's death would be an unpopular decision, even with the franchise at the bottom of the MCU's popularity list. The Evidence Again, it comes down to the point that all of Asgard dies (albeit it temporarily) as part of Ragnarok. Death is as big a character as any individual Asgardian. Thor is a different prospect of course, since he survives to end Ragnarok, but that doesn't stop the speculation. Unfortunately for fans of this theory, Chris Hemsworth has three films left on his contract (which includes both parts of Infinity War apparently), but that doesn't really mean anything, if Thor's death is only going to be a temporary condition.

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