Thor: Ragnarok - 8 Lessons It Can Learn From Its Predecessors

4. Help Us Get To Know Thor

We still haven't learned a whole lot about who Thor is under the surface. We know he's mighty, brave, often instinctive, and a host of other adjectives, but we haven't truly had the chance to see what makes him tick or how he's adjusting to a life where he's sharing drinks with mortal friends. For example, take Tony Stark. Over the course of his films, we've seen his quirks - i.e. he doesn't like to be handed things - followed his evolving viewpoints on issues like security and warfare, and even saw him suffering through PTSD after the events of The Avengers. We've even seen Steve Rogers, uprooted from the only life he knew, dealing with a drastically changed world, where those friends who haven't since passed are on the way out and where the very idea of patriotism he adhered to has been radically upended. Outside of his quick turn from brash to humble over the course of his first film, Thor hasn't really undergone a huge evolution as a character over the years since. With the Hulk and Loki in the mix, more focus on the other people in his life, and even the inevitable revelation awaiting him at the end of his quest over the mystery of the Infinity Stones, the sequel can add it all up to color Thor in through the eyes of other characters and how he responds to all that's going to be happening to them (and him) over the course of the film.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!