Thor: Ragnarok - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

5. Hela

Thor Ragnarok Hela
Marvel Studios

Though some more critical reviews have claimed that Hela is another one-note MCU villain, that's a reductive and plainly wrong assessment.

Thanks to Cate Blanchett's intoxicating physical performance, Hela is almost serpentine, slithering femme fatale-like through scenes rather than simply walking. She's a Goth nightmare, haughty and arrogant with an aloof disregard for all life she considers beneath her - which is absolutely everyone.

She's manipulative without it ever being a sexualised thing, she's ferocious and alien and she's completely mesmerising in the grand tradition of arch villains. It would have been nice to see more of her previous relationship with Odin, as already said, but the film could only be so long.

And if there is a way back for her, she'd make an excellent addition to Avengers: Infinity War.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.