Thor: Ragnarok - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

3. Bruce Banner

Iron Man 3 Post-credits Bruce Banner
Marvel Studios

So far in the MCU, Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner has been a fairly morbid figure. He's traditionally haunted by his big green demon and what it could mean if he lets him loose (or more crucially, if he lets him out without control in place). And while he's had happier moments - his friendship with Tony, his hinted romance with Natasha - he's been a wretch mostly.

Thor: Ragnarok reinvents Banner just as much as it reinvents Hulk. Thanks to him having lost himself for two years to Hulk, he's a completely different personality, a little frazzled, slightly more awkward and dorky (particularly next to Thor's rippling masculinity) and he's far more of a goofball.

He's seemingly freed of his concerns at losing control because it's already happened, and instead he has new issues to deal with (being accepted back on Earth, losing himself entirely to Hulk again, regaining his full brain power). And there's a new lightness to his character that leaves much more space for comedy, which Ruffalo excels with.


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