Thor: Ragnarok - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

15. Odin

Thor Ragnarok Odin Anthony Hopkins
Marvel Studios

Somewhat understandably, Odin isn't really involved in Ragnarok a great deal. He's an important presence - and so is the key revelation of his backstory and link to Hela - but he's only really on screen for a few minutes and he basically represents a similar sort of figure to Dumbledore after he dies in Harry Potter. Sorry for that spoiler, kids, but Dumbledore's been dead for years.

Odin is in the way for Thor's story, so he obviously can't be involved much, and while Anthony Hopkins' performance is good, there's not a great deal to get excited about. You'll probably get the sense that you'd like to have seen some of his backstory play out in flashbacks just for a bit more interest.

When he's actually Loki in disguise at the film's outset, he's a lot better - a hedonistic grape-eater who has no concerns for the 9 Kingdoms he's supposed to rule and protect - but that's pretty brief.


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