Thor: Ragnarok Review - 9 Ups & 4 Downs

2. Some Of The Accents Jar

Thor Ragnarok Hela Skurge
Marvel Studios

Karl Urban is really well-cast as Skurge, who is a snivelling wretch wrapped in the hard outer casing of a high-school jock. He looks the part, he pulls off the range of emotions required across his character arc and he's funny when called upon, but he sounds absolutely terrible.

The decision to go with a plummy English accent for him was a mistake that threatens to derail him entirely - it's not quite Dick Van Dyke levels, but there are definitely shades of that in his worst moments. Fundamentally, it distracts too much from an otherwise great supporting performance.

The same goes for Tessa Thompson, who is great for the most part, but who lets her accent slip into nonsense a couple of times.


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