Thor: Ragnarok Review - 9 Ups & 4 Downs

3. The Character Imbalance

Thor Ragnarok Hogun
Marvel Studios

Most of the time, the film does well to share time between its principle players. Thor, Loki, Odin, Valkyrie, Korg and The Grandmaster all have a satisfying split of screen-time, but the others are a little over-looked. Heimdall's entire sub-plot is a little undercooked and he's just not in it enough, Skurge is a bit of a passenger at times and Hela could have been used more.

But the true crime comes in the way the film deals with three characters left over from The Dark World (Lady Sif is left out entirely with no in-universe explanation, sadly). It's no exaggeration at all to say that The Warriors Three are completely screwed by this movie. Literally just leaving them out would have been better than what actually happens.

And it's a shame, particularly, because it looks like very cynical house-cleaning.


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