Thor: Ragnarok Reviews - 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

3. Tessa Thompson Is A Terrific Valkyrie

Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios
"Tessa Thompson proves an inspired casting choice. She plays Valkyrie as a hard-drinking cynic who’s turned her back on her Asgardian past. Like an old gunfighter forced to look back at who they used to be, her journey from selfish mercenary to Thor’s ally essentially makes her the Han Solo of Thor: Ragnarok. She has the most definitive character arc of anyone in the movie." - IGN
"It’s telling that the film’s best character is its sole sincere one: Tessa Thompson’s depressive, booze-sodden s***kicker, Valkyrie." - Little White Lies
"Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson, f***ing rules. And yes, the profanity is warranted. Even in a movie filled with superheroes, she shines with an over-the-top ‘80s action hero swagger in each and every scene. Plus, her backstory and role in the film are both intrinsically linked to Thor’s journey, so she’s not just window dressing. As awesome as Thor is, as devious as Loki is, as badass as Hulk is, Ragnarok is at its best when Valkyrie is on the screen." - Gizmodo

Roundly-praised as one of the film's greatest assets is Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie, who brings plenty of spunk, attitude and bada**ery to the table, and in turn gives the MCU another potent heroine that it's sorely in need of.

The fact that the character isn't said to be appearing in Infinity War likely spells out her fate in Ragnarok, which is a shame, but at least there's been a clear effort here to make the female heroes more than mere window dressing sideshows.

Rather, she's a full-bodied character in her own right with a compelling arc to boot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.