Thor: Ragnarok Reviews - 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. It's The Funniest MCU Film To Date

Thor Ragnarok Trailer
Marvel Studios
"Thor: Ragnarok on the whole is both the funniest and the most comic-booky of the Marvel movies so far, perhaps even more so than the two Guardians of the Galaxy films. The characters in those movies are all seriously damaged in one way or another, often by parents or parental figures; Thor and his friends have their flaws but are not dealing with deep psychological trauma like a Nebula or Rocket." - Den of Geek
"Ragnarok’s humour is as broad as it is eccentric, preserving Waititi’s sensibility while delivering consistent belly laughs at every turn. There are w**k jokes, arse puns, vampire gags, pratfalls, in-jokes, snarky asides and buffoonery to suit every palate...Try to fit it into an established mould at your peril, but roll with this and you’ll discover not only a top-tier addition to the MCU, but one of the most flat-out enjoyable comedies of the year." - Empire

For most people's money, The Avengers probably remains the comedic highlight of the MCU so far, because it was the first time seeing these superheroes together, and Joss Whedon's knack for witty banter goes without saying.

However, Ragnarok's litany of rat-a-rat dialogue has been said to top even Whedon's terrific writing, and though it is at the expense of the film's drama, its overall hilarity largely justifies it.

The trailers alone make it clear that Ragnarok's going to be an absolute laugh riot, and the reviews confirm that the marketing hasn't just given away all the best bits. Bravo.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.