Thor: Ragnarok - What The Ending Really Means

1. Thanos And Thor Are About To Clash

Infinity War Gauntlet Thanos
Marvel Studios

The final shot of the movie - after we see Thor seemingly leading his people on a quest to find a New Asgard - ominously sees Thor's ship overshadowed by the appearance of a far bigger one, which is definitely Thanos' - or at least the one ferrying the Black Order.

It doesn't look like a good situation for Thor and the Asgardians at all, and even without his proper introduction, Thanos doesn't seem like the kind of character to be reasonable about people who get in his way. Particularly when one of them has an Infinity Stone in their possession (and a history of failing him).

It seems likely that this meeting between Thanos and Thor is what leads to the Infinity War footage showing Thor floating through space unconscious (when he meets the Guardians of The Galaxy). Which means something bad is coming.

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