Thor: Ragnarok - What The Ending Really Means

8. Hela Might Be No More

Hela Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

With Surtur at full power and threat for the fiery climax of the movie, Hela is forced into a battle with the demon to try and stop the destruction of Asgard (her source of power). It's a clash of the titans, with Hela putting up a surprisingly good fight, despite the size of her opponent.

The way the battle ends seems to show Hela being smashed by Surtur's great sword Twilight, before Asgard explodes into smithereens. If the former didn't kill her, surely the latter would have?

The fact is, it's unclear whether Hela can even be killed by conventional means, and while a planet exploding underneath you might seem pretty fatal, it's not necessarily her end - particularly if she managed to defeat Surtur with her final blow. She proved earlier in the film that she was still vastly powerful without being on Asgard (she destroyed Mjolnir with her bare hands while on Earth), so this may not be the last of her.

But then, there's no indication right now that she'll return to take the part of Lady Death in Infinity War as previously rumoured.


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