Thor: The Dark World - 5 Things We Don’t Want To See

5. An Overemphasis On Romance

thor dark world new trialer As I've stated in past articles, romance in superhero movies is getting very, very boring. It tends to just feel like a pointless sub-plot and is usually extremely contrived and the romance between Jane Foster and Thor in the first Thor movie was the absolute pinnacle of contriving such a relationship. It was so forced, so pointless and the kiss came so out of the blue that it was just ridiculous. With Foster already having been established as Thor's love interest in the first movie, there's obviously going to be something of a romance going on in this movie, but let's hope that Marvel don't focus on it too much. Natalie Portman didn't even want to come back for this movie - the only reason she did is that she's contractually obliged - and it was a relief to see her conveniently whisked away to a safe location off-screen in the Avengers movie - so the fact that she's set to play a key part in Thor: The Dark World is baffling. However, as I've also said before, please don't get me wrong, I love a good romance as much as the next sap, but the superhero romance sub-plot is becoming very tiresome - especially this one. Please don't give it too much screen time, Marvel. Please.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.