Tom Hardy: 10 Roles That Passed You By

1. Taxi Driver Mark - London Road

tom hardy bronson
BBC Films

As if Mad Max: Fury Road wasn't eccentric enough, Hardy also appeared in 2015's most unusual offering, London Road. Far from his biggest role, but as local taxi driver Mark in a musical about Ipswich's murdered prostitutes, it is enough to allow him to add singing to his list of on screen accomplishments. 

Somewhere thereabouts at least, as the nature of the songs being verbatim recreations of interviews (stutters, um's and ah's included) rather than written specifically, result in something more a combination of actual singing and spoken poetry. Hardy's particular number in which he waxes knowledgeably about serial killer statistics comes out as short, sharp bursts underscored by a metronomic beat, eerie woodwind accompaniment, and Silent Night on the radio.

Somewhat wisely examining the local impact and reaction of the murders instead of the brutal crimes themselves, London Road takes its name from the street in which the killer lived, and also features many of the original cast of the National Theatre production from which the film was adapted. 

As such, it is just one of this year's five examples that Tom Hardy is one of Britain's most versatile actors. It may only be recently that he has received top billing in wide reaching and much loved films, but you can go back throughout his whole career to see that he has been appearing in them all along.


One man fate has made indescribable