Tom Hardy: 10 Roles That Passed You By

3. Handsome Bob - RocknRolla

tom hardy bronson
Warner Bros.

The missing link in Guy Ritchie's career, RocknRolla put him back on the path to international success after Revolver's early failed attempt. Going back to his roots, it depicts the other London underground's dirty dealings, double crossings, and a stolen treasured artefact. More than continuing Snatch and Lock Stock's trend however, it also borrows too much from Layer Cake (director Matthew Vaughn being Ritchie's former producer) to be considered truly original.

Despite the fact that Hardy plays the same role as in Layer Cake (right hand man to ambitious criminal dealing with wealthy boss turned informer), the character of Handsome Bob couldn't be more different. Not only does he come out to his best friend and partner in crime the night before he is due to begin a five year stretch in prison, but said friend is willing enough to oblige with his requests. Something which, as any other best friend would, Bob is more than happy to remind him at any given opportunity.

RocknRolla isn't a bad film for following a tried and true formula, but Bob is certainly a welcome twist to proceedings. Showing both the searingly honest and more than comfortable sides of his sexuality, Hardy gives us a character who proves that fitting in with, and being just another cockney criminal, doesn't have to be one and the same.


One man fate has made indescribable