Top 20 Iconic Moments in Sci-Fi Films

15. The Light Cycle Race (Tron, 1982) Is there any particular item more indicative of the Tron universe than the light cycle? From the moment it first appeared on the screen back in 1982, it€™s been the image that most everyone associates with the franchise. And rightly so. The big light cycle race in the first movie was masterful. It showed us some of what CGI effects could really accomplish and did so in a very tense, well-staged, entertaining fashion that holds up surprisingly well, even today.

14. The Opera Scene (The Fifth Element, 1997) Let€™s be clear, here: this isn€™t a very good movie. I know a lot of people like to go on about how great it is, but it isn€™t. The plot doesn€™t make much sense, the characters are two dimensional at best and Chris Tucker needs to just go away every time he€™s on screen. The movie really is nothing but style with almost no substance. But that said, the style was really incredible, and it€™s best embodied in the opera scene, where we have an alien opera diva€™s performance intercut with a raid on the ship the heroes are traveling on. The fact that the first few moments are played as a straight opera performance makes it even better! Click "next" below to read the next entry...
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at